Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spiked Heels and Boob Sweat Covered Cell Phones

There are a few really awful trends that are finally fading out (thank the gods) and I'm glad to see them go. I want to get the ball rolling on a few more. Some things just have to stop, and I mean right now, dammit! Here's a list of personal pet peeves:

Ladies, please stop pocketing your cell phones in your bras. It's gross. More than that, if you'll take a minute to read the back pages of the instruction manual from the box your phone came in, you'll find it's hazardous to your health. You should be concerned about the radiation from your cell phone nestled up to your delicate area. It's ok to keep your extra cash there, or a lipstick or something--just not the device with the toxic battery.

Fake tanner has got to stop. If you were born white, as I was, then be white. Or whitish. If you're whiter than white, alabaster, even, so be it. Get an umbrella, a hat and use mega sunscreen to keep from getting skin cancer. I know tan is beautiful according to beauty magazines and mass media, but originality is better. Mixed races are gorgeous, but I was born pink and freckled. I'm not spending my hard earned money on orange spray tan that smells like monkey butt, just to try to look like a bronze beauty - only to turn out looking like an orange monkey's ass. With freckles. Own your skin, people. 

Vaping. My personal take is, 'why'? So many teens want a vaporizer with 'zero' nicotine. They want to order the candy or exotic flavors online and walk around the stores puffing out vapes--trying to look cool. It just looks weird. Another marketing strategy at its finest. You know what looks cool? Having your own money when you need to start paying your own cell phone bills or when you want to buy a car. 

Ladies, wearing a metric ton of makeup doesn't make you look grown up or sexy. It's more of an announcement that you're not good at doing makeup. I'm including a link that will give you pointers on the basics of make up, things every young woman should know. The most important thing you should know is you were born with all the beauty you'll ever need. The products you buy should be enhancers, nothing more.

Another one for the ladies; six inch heels are stupid. They might look badass on the GaGa, but unless you need to uses them as a defense weapon, you might break your ankle wearing those ridiculous shoes. At best you'll get blisters and nobody wants to see that. Be sensible. Wedges, spiked three or four inches are fine if you insist on wearing something fancy for special occasions, but trust me, you'll want to take good care of your feet. Real life means walking, and lots of it. Breaking an ankle or a leg is going to ruin your day. If you're dating a young man who says he likes high heels, buy him a pair and let him wear them.

The last disturbing trend among young people that I have to comment on has to do with sex. I'm very glad the subject is talked about and out in the open more than it was when I was a teen. And I'm so very relieved that condoms and birth control are easier for young people to get.

The issue I have is the easy access to hardcore porn from every computer, cell phone and ipad. There are many programs online to filter the settings on your home group to keep your children and teens from watching it but, believe me when I say this...they are still watching. It's important to start dialogue with your teen early about adult videos and the difference between that and real love making. I cannot stress the importance of having this conversation enough. I'm of the French philosophy, which says it is better to raise our children learning that making love is a natural part of being an adult, and fighting wars and killing is not. We should teach kids and teens that the internet might be a good place to learn a lot of things, but the personal business of making love is nothing like what they are seeing online. If our kids don't learn about healthy sex from healthy adults, they will learn about unhealthy sex from somewhere else.

That's not the entire list of my pet peeves, of course, but it's a good start. If we could stamp out just these 6 things, we'd be making a great deal of progress toward better health and greater happiness. As an added benefit, we'd be reducing the risk of embarrassing ourselves in public.~

Cell Phone in bra/cancer:

Spike shoes photo courtesy of: funcshoenality

Bad Makeup photo: